The Women Who Make Beckley Retreats Possible
In honor of Women’s History Month, we want to highlight the invaluable contributions that women have made on the Beckley Retreats team. Without them, our programs would not be here today, and our mission to spark broader, positive change through unlocking new ways of seeing with psychedelics would not be possible.

The Beckley Retreats story would be incomplete without Amanda Feilding, the ‘hidden hand’ behind the renaissance of psychedelic science and drug policy reform. For over 25 years, Amanda and The Beckley Foundation have pioneered research into the transformative power of psychedelics, widely contributing to global drug policy reform. Her life-long dedication to this work, and co-founding of Beckley Retreats, sets us apart: we are the world’s only psychedelic retreat program backed by over 25 years of scientific research and an ecosystem of expertise.
An ecosystem of expertise is just that––a community brought together by world-class knowledge and passion. We would be remiss to pass up the opportunity to highlight the power that the women in this ecosystem bring to our programs. In addition to the women on our leadership team, it’s thanks to over 25 women that our programming flourishes. Today, we’re highlighting just a few of these remarkable women.
Here are some of their stories.
Alexandra Pallas | Co-Founder and SVP of Programs

Alexandra began practicing yoga and meditation, studying Ayurvedic medicine, and working as a Four Winds-trained energy medicine practitioner and Reiki teacher in her 20s. Following the birth of her daughter, she faced the challenges of sole parenting, resulting in a hospitalization for severe adrenal burnout. Her healing journey began in 2016 when she reignited her passion for ancient wisdom traditions through initiation into modern-day priestess lineages. To this day, Alexandra leads seasonal ceremonies in her local community.
“I’m dedicated to helping others unlock the power of their own devotion,” Alexandra says.
At Beckley Retreats, Alexandra is passionate about facilitating transformational experiences to support people in aligning with their purpose, passion, and potential. A former ed tech leader and Deloitte management consultant, she specializes in organizational learning strategy, leadership development, human capital management, and program design. She has studied, practiced, and taught holistic wellbeing modalities and ancient wisdom traditions for 20 years. These days, Alexandra is currently completing an M.A. in Mindful Leadership.
Vian Morales | SVP of Operations

Vian discovered the importance of physical health at a young age, learning to manage health challenges while becoming a Division I soccer player. Later, as the 33rd black female graduate of The Citadel, an officer in the U.S. Army, and nearly two decades of managing people and processes in the corporate sector, Vian quickly began to recognize the commonality of burnout and mental health issues that surrounded her.
Vian has experienced the devastation of witnessing soldiers and friends battle mental health issues, losing many of them to suicide. She dedicated herself to helping others tap into ancient wisdom and experience the transformative power of wellness-based therapies and psychedelics.
“It is a privilege to do this work bringing understanding and accessibility to ancient wisdom,” she says.
As SVP of Operations of Beckley Retreats, Vian is fiercely passionate about sharing the science-backed benefits of psychedelics while bringing safe, holistic wellbeing experiences to a larger audience. She brings an understanding of the transformative power of ancient practices as well as a creative business strategy. Looking to the future, she hopes to support sustainable communities and bring deep healing to people around the world.
Brittney Barela | Program Implementation Specialist

While studying psychology and sociology at the University of Nevada, Brittany began applying meditation, yoga, and breathwork into her daily lifestyle. Following graduation, she went on to complete her breathwork certification with David Elliott, a well-known healing artist. In studying practices of mindfulness and the human experience, Brittney found a drive to share the organic nature and profound nature baked within these modalities.
“My focus,” she says, “is on promoting curiosity and playfulness to explore, expand, and appreciate one’s mind, body, and soul.”
As a Program Implementation Specialist, Brittney liaises between the Beckly team and our participants to ensure a seamless retreat experience, from start to finish. Brittney’s studies and passion for holistic wellness practices are directly integrated into retreat programming and operational procedures.
Nadine McNeil | Retreats Operations Manager & Yoga Teacher

Nadine is a yoga teacher, speaker, wisdom mentor, and humanitarian. Since 2008, she has led yoga and personal development workshops across the United states. Prior to her deep dive into yoga, Nadine traveled the world for over 20 years in service of organizations including the United Nations, UNICEF, and Global Volunteer Network.
Having spent the majority of her working life working in emergency response and logistics for the UN, Nadine is committed to catalyzing change and transformation––both for the individual as well as the collective.
“When one of us suffers we all suffer,” she says. “Yet when one of us heals, we all heal.”
Nadine has seen the chronic impact that many are left with in the aftermath of human and natural disasters. From this place of witnessing, she is called to act. Her mission is to ignite infinite possibilities for people from around the world, especially within diverse, underserved communities. And though the reach of her work has been global, Nadine has remained inextricably connected to her birth land, Jamaica.
At Beckley Reterats, Nadine supports our program operations, offering logistical support as well as facilitating yoga offerings. In both of these roles, her priority is to provide an elevated and comfortable experience for all participants.
Kosu Boudreau | Team Lead & Psychotherapist

Kosu is a registered trauma psychotherapist and integration specialist in a private practice in Ontario, Canada. For more than 18 years, she has worked as a spiritual care therapist in hospitals with a focus on trauma, mental health, addictions, and palliative care.
Before working with psychedelics, Kosu had dedicated herself to experiences of awakening through meditation and embodied movement. At 54, she returned to school to complete a Master of Social Work, wishing to focus on social change. Since learning about the transformative power of plant medicine, she decided to devote her life to working with these medicines, wishing to alleviate suffering, facilitate change, and support collective liberation.
Kosu provides trauma-informed facilitation as well as preparation and integration support for Beckley Retreats guests. When asked to describe Kosu, people time and again return to two sincere qualities: she has a warm, grounded presence and a robust sense of humor.
The women here are just a handful of those who make our programming possible, whether that be from behind the scenes or on the ground at our retreat locations in Jamaica and the Netherlands.
We welcome you to read more about our team here.